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More Than a New Discovery


Album Details
Rev-Ola proudly re-presents the album which introduced to the world the wonderful talent of Laura Nyro! More Than A New Discovery (aka The First Songs) is openly informed by the styles of Laura's youth. She had just turned 19 when she recorded the album in early 1966, and the songs retain a youthful exuberance and glisten with beautiful pop melodies and then-fashionable, sturdy 1960s New York arrangements. Laura's lyrics are already as poetically-charged and mature as at her peak, from the wise "And When I Die" to the observational approach of "Buy and Sell." Musically, the album was obviously tailored to fit the prevailing landscape of 1960s female pop singers and it often has the same soulful atmosphere of Dusty Springfield and Evie Sands or the brash, bravura pop of Barbra Streisand, who was to take "Stoney End" to the charts three years later.

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More Than a New Discovery
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