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↓↓↓↓Good Times, Bad Times: 10 Years of Godsmack↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Good Times, Bad Times: 10 Years of Godsmack


Album Description
Godsmack was founded in February '95, when lead vocalist Sully Erna decided to step out from behind the drum kit to front the band with bassist Robbie Merrill, guitarist Tony Rombola and drummer Tommy Stewart (drummer Shannon Larkin joined in June 2002, replacing Tommy Stewart). These Boston-based rockers have sold well over 8 million records on their first four albums. Godsmack has more top ten Active Rock Radio singles than ANY other group history. They have charted an amazing total of 13 hits with five #1's including "Speak," their hit from Godsmack IV and "Awake," "Straight Out of Line" as well as the twice-Grammy-nominated "I Stand Alone" (from the Scorpion King soundtrack). Awake's "Vampires" earned Godsmack their fourth Grammy nomination for "Best Rock Instrumental Performance" in 2002. "Good Times, Bad Times: 10 Years of Godsmack" INCLUDES A 75 MINUTE DVD OF ACOUSTIC PERFORMANCE FILMED AT THE HARD ROCK HOTEL IN LAS VEGAS, and Features the previously unreleased version of Led Zeppelin's "Good Times Bad Times".

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↓↓↓↓Good Times, Bad Times: 10 Years of Godsmack↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Good Times, Bad Times: 10 Years of Godsmack
↑↑↑↑Good Times, Bad Times: 10 Years of Godsmack↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

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