音楽:Lovehate を ネットで探す

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1. Shawty Is Da Sh*! featuring Fabolous
2. I Luv Your Girl
3. Fast Car
4. Nikki
5. She Needs My Love
6. Falsetto
7. Playin' In Her Hair
8. Purple Kisses
9. Ditch That...
10. Luv Songs
11. Livin' A Lie featuring Rihanna
12. Mama


Album Description
The only positive byproduct of an industry asleep at the wheel is a dream. With over a decade of hit-making experience and a certified smash in Rihanna's #1 single, "Umbrella" Terius "The Dream" Nash is stepping from behind the scenes with a wake-up call. The Dream was born in the Bankhead section of Atlanta and his debut CD, Love Hate, is a sonic gauntlet thrown down against complacent, cookie cutter music. Propelled by the first single "Shawty is a Ten" the mastermind behind the Britney Spears and Madonna collab, "Me Against The Music" will do nothing short of redefine RnB for 2007 and beyond. The Dream has combined all of his hit-making talents for his debut, Love Me All Summer, Hate Me All Winter. Throughout his career Terius has seen people change like the weather, but in the coming months he is forecasting a 100% chance of reign. The Dream says, "It's more of what I'm giving other people. It's like the 80s, it's musical. I'm doing the `Umbrella' routine to this whole album. All of my records are singles. I don't think a record has been done this good since Thriller." Songs like the soulful "She Needs My Love" will solidify Terius' status as a triple threat, singer, writer and producer.


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