音楽:Stardust Music from the Motion Picture を ネットで探す

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キーワード:[Stardust]←を指定して商品探す /[2007-12-11のランキング]を見る


↓↓↓↓Stardust Music from the Motion Picture↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Stardust Music from the Motion Picture


Album Description
ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK STARDUST ORIGINAL MUSIC BY ILAN ESHKERI The Decca soundtrack featuring original music by Ilan Eshkeri (Layer Cake) will release on September 11.

From the "imaginations" of best-selling author Neil Gaiman and director Matthew Vaughn comes STARDUST, the enchanting tale of a fallen star who crashes into a magical kingdom and turns out to be no ordinary meteorite at all, but a beautiful imperiled woman chased after by an incredible array of seekers who want or need her secret powers. From wicked witches to power-mad princes, from flying pirates to dueling goblins, each person who encounters the star has his or her own agenda, but they all desire just one thing: her heart. The result is a rip-roaring tale of true love and high adventure that mixes and matches all the grand themes and imagination-sparking elements that have ever accused anyone of any age to fall in love with fairy tales. STARDUST begins in the sleepy English village of Wall, so named for the cobblestone wall that has, for eons, kept the villagers safely apart from the supernatural parallel universe that lies just on the other side. It is here that young Tristan Thorne (Charlie Cox--The Merchant of Venice, Casanova), makes a wild-eyed promise to the prettiest girl in the village (Sienna Miller--Alfie, Casanova, Factory Girl), whose heart he hopes to win; that he will bring her back a fallen star. Now, in order to make good on his promise, Tristan will have to cross the forbidden wall, and enter a mysterious kingdom lit by unending magic and unfolding legends of which he will quickly become a part. In this fantastical realm known as Stormhold, Tristan discovers that the fallen star is not at all what he expected but a spirited young woman (Claire Danes--The Hours, Shopgirl, The Family Stone) injured by her cosmic tumble. Now, she is in terrible danger, sought after by colossal powers including the King's (Academy Award


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Music + [Stardust ]を KeyWordにして 在庫や価格 を 検索する(一覧表示)

ミュージック:[STARDUST GARDEN を通販で購入する(予約する)]
DVD:[STARDUST REVUE LIVE TOUR“31” を通販で購入する(予約する)]
ミュージック:[Stardust: 30th Anniversary Legacy Edition を通販で購入する(予約する)]

↓↓↓↓Stardust Music from the Motion Picture↓↓↓↓をamazon.co.jpで購入する
Stardust Music from the Motion Picture
↑↑↑↑Stardust Music from the Motion Picture↑↑↑↑をamazon.co.jpで購入する

CD 販売のバナー広告



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